Welcome to Windows-Error-Codes

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Gernal RAS/NAS
Cisco VPN Error Codes
Ascend Error Codes
SS7 Cause Codes
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Thank you for visiting windows-error-codes

Welcome to windows-error-codes. We aim to be a one stop resource for users trying to find a quick explanation to what those mysterious error codes mean. Over the next few months, we will continue to strive to bring you the most uptodate listing of error codes for various OS's, platform's, routers, switches and pretty much anything and everything that can give an error code.

News for Summer 2012: We've enabled many of the landing pages to detect if you are using a smartphone and redirects you to the same page but in a size that is suitable to your smartphone. Look for this to be added to even more pages in the near future!

News for January 2012: We've laucnhed the Android Smartphone OS section and a Mobile version of the website optimized for your smartphone/tablet.

News for December 2011: We've finished off the Cisco VPN Error Codes section and an Ascend Max Error Codes page. We also started work in the Android OS section.. Look for the Android section to be released early in Q1 of 2012.

If you do have any error codes, that aren't mentioned, or selections that need to be changed, or just want to send us feedback, feel free to send us an email at: support@modemhelp.org

Part of the ModemHelp Network Solutions Family